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Acelema IT Solutions Pvt. is always on the look out for top professionals who can make a real difference for our customers and us. If you think like wise and, are passionate enough to make your future, Come join us!

  • PHP
    Experience Required : 2+ Yrs Vacancies : 01
    • A full understanding and knowledge and of the following technologies: Knowledge in Ajax, MySQL & Jquery. Expert in Core PHP, REST, SOAP API Open Source MVC architecture (Codeigniter or similar) MYSQL, MSSQL (Manipulation & Management) Client-side technologies: JS / HTML5 / CSS3 and cross-browser compatibility Understanding of Mobile Technologies and Interfaces Exposure to Prestashop & Drupal. Working Knowledge and customization of Wordpress.
  • React Native
    Experience Required : 3+ Years Vacancies : 01
    • `We are looking for a React Native developer interested in building performant mobile apps on both the IOS and Android platforms. You will be responsible for architecting and building these applications, as well as coordinating with the teams responsible for other layers of the product infrastructure. Building a product is a highly collaborative effort, and as such, a strong team player with a commitment to perfection is required.
  • Android
    Experience Required : 3+ Years Vacancies : 01
    • We are looking for an Android developer responsible for the development and maintenance of applications aimed at a vast number of diverse Android devices. Your primary focus will be the development of Android applications and their integration with back-end services. You will be working along-side other engineers and developers working on different layers of the infrastructure. Therefore, commitment to collaborative problem solving, sophisticated design, and creating quality products is essential.